Article 1. Name -
The name of the club shall be "The Villages BMW Z Club" (Hereafter referred to as "the Club.")
Article 2. Purpose -
The purpose of the Club is to enhance the BMW Z ownership experience through camaraderie, exchange of automotive knowledge, social activities, road trips and more.
Article 3. Meetings -
Article 4. Location -
Monthly meetings will be held at a location chosen by the Executive Committee and approved by The Villages Recreation Department. Additional meetings may be held at locations chosen by the Executive Committee
Article 5. Membership Section -
Article 6. Officers -
Article 6. Dues -
Dues shall be an annual amount as approved by the Executive Committee from time to time. The annual dues amount pays for your membership and the membership of one additional designated member.
The name of the club shall be "The Villages BMW Z Club" (Hereafter referred to as "the Club.")
Article 2. Purpose -
The purpose of the Club is to enhance the BMW Z ownership experience through camaraderie, exchange of automotive knowledge, social activities, road trips and more.
Article 3. Meetings -
- Section 1 . Meetings shall be held on the first Wednesday of each month.
- Section 2. Additional meetings will be called by the President if deemed necessary or suitable to the activities of the Club.
Article 4. Location -
Monthly meetings will be held at a location chosen by the Executive Committee and approved by The Villages Recreation Department. Additional meetings may be held at locations chosen by the Executive Committee
Article 5. Membership Section -
- Section 1. An active membership shall be limited to anyone who owns or rents a residence in The Villages, Florida and owns a BMW Z car of any designation.
- Section 2. An applicant may be granted active membership by any officer who examines and approves the member's application.
- Section 3. An active membership may include one additional designated member.
- Section 4. An active membership shall be granted to only those who have satisfied the annual dues requirement.
Article 6. Officers -
- Section 1. Officers shall consist of a President who will preside over meetings, a Vice President who stand in for the President in his/her absence, a Secretary who will record the minutes of the meetings and a Treasurer who will collect dues and pay Club obligations. These officers shall be known as the Executive Committee.
- Section 2. Officers will be appointed by the Executive Committee from those members who express an interest to hold such an office.
- Section 3. Only members in good standing allowed to hold office.
- Section 4. Officers shall not be compensated for their services.
Article 6. Dues -
Dues shall be an annual amount as approved by the Executive Committee from time to time. The annual dues amount pays for your membership and the membership of one additional designated member.